Monday, May 21, 2012

Reference Sources

1.  Good Reads -
Good Reads is a great resource. I subscribe to their newsletter, and am able to find out about new books, read interviews with authors and view gaggles of "if you loved this, read this" lists. They also have quizzes and trivia, which is a lot of fun.

2.  Amazon -
It may seem silly, but I refer to Amazon several times a day, especially when a patron can't remember the exact title of the book, is unsure of an author, if I'm looking for a release date or to find the next book in a series. I find it especially helpful because, like google, it will automatically correct spelling errors or suggest "what you meant," unlike our library catalog.


  1. I use Amazon several times each day as well. I was almost embarassed to admit it on my blog. I also find it helpful when I receive ILL requests. Sometimes, I get no results on Aleph with the information I was given, so I go to Amazon to find out the correct title of the book and the correct spelling of the author's name. Thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone for using Amazon as one of my favorite resources.

    I hope to see you at Institute.

    Doris Ann Mertz

    1. Thanks, Doris Ann! I went back and forth for a long time about posting Amazon -- but it's true! I kept track and I used it 7 times yesterday. Tacky or not, it's totally useful. See you at institute!
