Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lesson 2: Learning Express Library

1.  Set up account - done and done.
     Browse through available exams - there are a ton! Looks great.

2.  Choose one - Plumbing Licensing Exam Practice 1 -- note: I am not a plumber, nor have I ever plumbed anything. Should be fun. I plan to "use estimation to eliminate answer choices" as encouraged by the instructions.
Answer a few questions - I answered 7 questions.  4 were correct, 3 were incorrect. I am oddly proud of my work.

With regard to the test experience, I think that it was professional, challenging and easy to use. I did appreciate the warnings letting me know that I had skipped questions and would not be able to make changes to my answers. I think that warnings like these make people who are not comfortable on the computer more confident in submitting their answers for review. The diagnostic page was very easy to read, and I especially liked that I could view my answers to see where I had trouble. This would certainly help an aspiring plumber identify her problem areas and address them before taking the test again.

3.  Job Searching and Resume Writing - Under the Job Search & Workplace Skills section, I selected Interviewing and the course "Career Course: Interview Tips to Get the Job You Want." I found the course to be easy to navigate, easy to use and particularly helpful in outlining what to expect from the course and its corresponding work. The language was not only professional and easy to follow, but reassuring to a person seeking employment. I also liked the fact that each section was broken down into smaller subsections, which make it easy to go back and search for a particular topic or idea.

4.  Search for skills improvement or career topic - I searched the topic "secondary education" and selected the eBook "Teacher Career Starter, 2nd Edition." It downloaded quickly and easily and contained a wealth of information including chapters on making a career change into teaching, finding education programs, salary expectations, certification, finding a job and succeeding once you have secured a teaching position. The book, like the course, is thorough, easy to follow and broken down into logical sections. As an eBook, it is easy to search and jump from chapter to chapter.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your good review of Learning Express, Librarianne. We hope you will recommend this database to your patrons who seek to improve their academic or career skills.
